I don’t believe the American dream is dead. I believe it is alive and well, but it’s hidden behind the cloud of our popular culture that tells us we need and deserve things we can’t afford.
However, if you scour the internet with a quick google search of “The American Dream is dead” you’ll find all sorts of complaints about the current state of Americans. I’ll list the top two: 1) College costs too much, 2) It’s too expensive to move out of my parents’ house. Let’s examine those two…
College Costs Too
One of the most frequent complaints from parents, youth, and
adults in their 20’s is that college just costs too darn much! Tuition at top
private universities can be around $45,000 for undergraduates annually. How is the
middle class to survive?
This may sound harsh to some, but you don’t need to go to Harvard
or a private school to be successful. I graduated from James Madison
University, whose 2013-2014 annual tuition is $9,000 for undergraduates. The
tuition wasn’t all that bad. It was the costs of housing, food, and living
costs that came from me moving two hours away from home. I turned down
acceptance from a great public university in my home town because I thought it
would be more fun to live away from home. The $30,000 in student loan debt I
walked away with was almost all room & board costs, not tuition costs. My
part-time employment could have fully paid for my college if I had chosen to
live at home.
Another consideration is community college. Community
college has a stigma, I get it. Most states, however, have a program much like
Virginia’s, where you can get a two-year associates degree and then transfer without
question to a university for specialized instruction. Annual tuition for a full-time
student at NOVA Community College? $4,500. That’s half of what I paid at JMU.
Considering how much I remember from my English literature and medieval history
class, I think I could have benefitted from some additional cost reductions.So yes, college does cost too much, if you attend a private school or are worried about your lifestyle throughout college. In Europe, it’s more standard for students to live at home during college. If you make wiser choices than I did, you can receive a college education, work part-time through college, and end up with some significant savings instead of debt before entering the post-graduate work force.
It’s Too Expensive To Move Out of my Parents’ House
This is a difficult discussion that varies widely based on
where you live and your situation. Let’s start with renting and move to owning.
Renting will be quick. Yes, we all would love to live without roommates, but
think about how much you’ll save by keeping that low-cost bachelor pad for a
few more years while you save to buy your first home.
Now let’s move to owning a home. It seems my generation has
become hypnotized by HGTV. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen couples on the
show complain that their budget couldn’t get them what they wanted. Well, what
did they want? A walk-in closet, granite kitchen countertops, separate sinks
for husband and wife in the bathroom, adequate space for entertaining, a yard,
all within a 15 minute drive to work. Is there any wonder why those numbers don’t
work when you’re a young couple? After unscientifically asking some from
previous generations, I found that their first homes were usually older and lacked
many of what were then modern amenities. I also found that more often than not,
their first home wasn’t located anywhere near their desired neighborhood. But,
after working for a few years, wouldn’t you know it, they moved to that
It seems that recent graduates in my generation expect to
have their parents’ lifestyle without the 20-30 years of work their parents’
put in to get there. Is it any wonder it’s hard to find a house with those
Then there’s the question about saving up for down payment.
Going back to issue #1, let’s first assume both you and your partner saved
$5,000 between the first day you worked at age 16 and college graduation. Well,
there’s $10,000 for a down payment right there! If you are in the market for a
$100-200,000 home, you’ve got 5-10% right there, which qualifies you for most
conventional loans within two years of full-time employment. The American Dream is Alive
I recognize that these are very generic numbers and scenarios. Individuals are faced with challenges and obstacles as individual as they are. However, my point is not to solve the world’s problems, but rather to indicate that the American dream is alive and well.
Popular culture has done a great job telling us what we deserve, and most of those things put us into debt and convince us we need things we can’t afford. As soon as we break out of that cycle, the American dream starts to come back into focus. It is possible, even probable, for a college-educated graduate in their mid-20’s so survive and plant the foundations for thriving.
My belief is that even amid this recession, the American
dream is strong for those who want it. The dream is not about high-paying jobs
and get rich quick schemes. Those who succeed isn’t exclusive to those with the
most high-paying jobs and genius-level intelligence. It will be those with the
self-discipline to delay gratification, take small steps up the ladder of life,
and eventually look down to see their dream has become a reality.